Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (2024)

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  • Rossasaurus-x

    12 years agoPosted 12 years ago. Direct link to Rossasaurus-x's post “Do square roots count as ...”

    Do square roots count as exponents? Or are they in a separate spot, and if so, where is that spot?

    (137 votes)

    • Peter Collingridge

      12 years agoPosted 12 years ago. Direct link to Peter Collingridge's post “They are the same - a squ...”

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (4)

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (5)

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (6)

      They are the same - a square root is the same as raising a number to the half power so it is a type of exponent.

      (161 votes)

  • giuliana urena

    7 years agoPosted 7 years ago. Direct link to giuliana urena's post “Does Pemdas Equal P: Pare...”

    Does Pemdas Equal P: Parentheses E: Exponents M: Multiplication D: Division A: Addition S: Subtraction?

    (19 votes)

    • Daniel Wang

      7 years agoPosted 7 years ago. Direct link to Daniel Wang's post “Yes, PEMDAS means parenth...”

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (10)

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (11)

      Yes, PEMDAS means parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. Multiplication and division go together, so you do whichever one comes first. Same goes to addition and subtraction. A way to remember the order is Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.

      (39 votes)

  • Alex

    3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to Alex's post “why did Sal say a hairy b...”

    why did Sal say a hairy beastly problem?

    (22 votes)

    • Christian B.

      2 years agoPosted 2 years ago. Direct link to Christian B.'s post “Hi, Alex,A "hairy beast...”

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (15)

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (16)

      Hi, Alex,

      A "hairy beastly problem" refers to a difficult or challenging problem. It sounds weird but it isn't.


      (27 votes)

  • Kameron Rush

    5 years agoPosted 5 years ago. Direct link to Kameron Rush's post “7x2 + (7+3(5-2)) / 4x27x...”

    7x2 + (7+3(5-2)) / 4x2
    7x2 + (7+3x3) / 4x2
    7x2 + 16 / 4x2
    14 + 16 / 8
    14 + 2
    =16 Did I get it that time

    (18 votes)

    • hhmossalem78

      3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to hhmossalem78's post “what you did wrong was th...”

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (20)

      what you did wrong was that you did 4*2 before 16/4
      In Pemdas it says multiplication then division but their actually the same level. If you would've watched the other videos, he would've explained it to you.
      The answer should be 22
      7 * 2 + (7+3(5-2)) /4 * 2
      first solve 5-2=3 because it's in parenthesis.
      7 * 2 + (7+3*3) /4 * 2
      then solve 3*3=9 because multiplication and division come before addition and subtraction
      7 * 2 + (7+9) / 4 * 2
      then solve 7+9=16 because it's in parenthesis
      7 * 2 + 16 /4 * 2
      then solve 7*2=14 Because Multi comes before + and -
      14 + 16 /4 * 2
      after, solve 16/4=4 notice I did division before the Multiplication. why because the one that comes first is the one you solve first. Even if M comes before D in Pemdas.
      14 + 4 * 2
      then solve 4*2=8 because peMdas
      14 + 8
      last but not least solve 14+8=22 because it's the last expression.
      22 is your answer! :)

      (16 votes)

  • Leinad

    2 years agoPosted 2 years ago. Direct link to Leinad's post “When you have parentheses...”

    When you have parentheses within parentheses, isn't one supposed to use brackets and also parentheses? Or does it not matter?

    (10 votes)

    • Philip

      2 years agoPosted 2 years ago. Direct link to Philip's post “I might use brackets inst...”

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (24)

      I might use brackets instead of curved parentheses for better discernment, but it is not really a rule (as in not really a rule of mathematics). Also, if after using the parentheses, just use brackets for the second group/section, and not both.

      Furthermore, "{" and "}" are more used in creating lists of numbers, rather than basic parentheses "(" and ")". However, the best thing to do for any group/pair is to "begin" and "end" with the same type of brackets, regardless of their level/order.

      For example, if I happen to have three different levels which I have orders (that do not follow the regular order of operations), I might use something like {[(9+7)*2]-5} The overall expression is read "9 plus 7 (equals 16), times 2 (equals 32), minus 5 (equals 27).

      (16 votes)


    3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to MELANIE's post “Parenthesies is the same ...”

    Parenthesies is the same as brackets, right?
    and in BODMAS, what does 'O' stand for?

    (10 votes)

    • Pallavi Vajjala

      3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to Pallavi Vajjala's post “So Melanie, O in BODMAS s...”

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (28)

      So Melanie, O in BODMAS stands for operations. Hope this helps! Its a little different from PEMDAS, but the concept is basically the same.

      (10 votes)

  • Li'l Jim

    9 years agoPosted 9 years ago. Direct link to Li'l Jim's post “What does BODMAS stand fo...”

    What does BODMAS stand for ; (

    (8 votes)

    • TeraVolt

      9 years agoPosted 9 years ago. Direct link to TeraVolt's post “Brackets, Order(Exponent)...”

      Brackets, Order(Exponent), Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction
      Remember that Division and multiplication can happen in any order, while addition and subtraction have the same order of preference, so you must go from left to right; however, other than that, follow the rule.

      (8 votes)

  • 2aquaturtlez

    10 years agoPosted 10 years ago. Direct link to 2aquaturtlez's post “How would you do problems...”

    How would you do problems like this:
    12 - 1 * 0 + 4 / 2

    I'm confused right now.

    (7 votes)

    • BenR

      10 years agoPosted 10 years ago. Direct link to BenR's post “ok. First, you would mult...”

      ok. First, you would multiply. 1*0 = 0. now the problem is 12-0+4/2. we then divide. 4/2 = 2.
      the problem is now 12-0+2. we then do basic addition/subtraction. 12-0 = 12. 12+ 2 = 14.
      14 is the correct answer

      (9 votes)

  • sharath.code

    a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to sharath.code's post “i use BODMAS”

    i use BODMAS

    (6 votes)

  • Andrea Goldman

    6 years agoPosted 6 years ago. Direct link to Andrea Goldman's post “(5)(4) is apparently 5x4 ...”

    (5)(4) is apparently 5x4 . Where is the lesson on this website about not needing the "x"
    and why you use "." (dot) to mean multiplication as well? Thanks

    (6 votes)

    • Nicholas

      6 years agoPosted 6 years ago. Direct link to Nicholas's post “We do not use x for the m...”

      Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (40)

      We do not use x for the multiplication symbol because it may be confused with the variable _x_.

      (10 votes)

Video transcript

Now that we've got the basicsof order of operations out of the way, let's try to tackle areally hairy and beastly problem. So here, we have allsorts of parentheses and numbers flying around. But in any of these order ofoperations problems, you really just have to take a deep breathand remember, we're going to do parentheses first. Parentheses. P for parentheses. Then exponents. Don't worry if you don't knowwhat exponents are, because this has no exponents in them. Then you're going to domultiplication and division. They're at the same level. Then you do additionand subtraction. So some people remember PEMDAS. But if you remember PEMDAS,remember multiplication, division, same level. Addition and subtraction,also at the same level. So let's figure what theorder of operations say that this should evaluate to. So the first thing we're goingto do is our parentheses. And we have a lot ofparentheses here. We have this expression inparentheses right there, and then even within that wehave these parentheses. So our order of operations say,look, do your parentheses first, but in order to evaluatethis outer parentheses-- this orange thing-- we're going tohave to evaluate this thing in yellow right there. So let's evaluatethis whole thing. So how can we simplify it? Well, if we look at just insideof it, the first thing we want to do is simplify theparentheses inside the parentheses. So you see this 5minus 2 right there? We're going to do thatfirst no matter what. And that's easy to evaluate. 5 minus 2 is 3. And so this simplifies to--I'll do it step by step. Once you get the hang ofit, you can do multiple steps at once. So this is going to be7 plus 3 times the 5 minus 2, which is 3. And all of those haveparentheses around it. And of course, you haveall the stuff on either side-- the divide 4-- no. Oops. That's not what I want. I wanted to copy and paste. I want to copy and pastethat right there. So copy, then-- no, that'sgiving me the wrong thing. It would've been easier--let me just rewrite it. That's the easiest thing. I'm having technicaldifficulties. So divided by 4 times 2. And on this side, you had that7 times 2 plus this thing in orange parentheses there. Now, at any step youjust look again. We always want to doparentheses first. Well, you keep wanting todo and is there really no parentheses left? So we have to evaluate thisparentheses in orange here. So we have to evaluatethis thing first. But in order to evaluatethis thing, we have to look inside of it. And when you look inside of it,you have 7 plus 3 times 3. So if you just had 7 plus3 times 3, how would you evaluate it? Well, look back to yourorder of operations. We're inside the parentheseshere, so inside of it there are no longer any parentheses. So the next thing we should dois-- there are no exponents. There is multiplication. So we do that before we doany addition or subtraction. So we want to do the 3 times3 before we add the 7. So this is going to be 7plus-- and the 3 times 3 we want to do first. We want to do themultiplication first. 7 plus 9. That's going to be inthe orange parentheses. And then you have the 7times 2 plus that, on the left hand side. You have the divided by 4 times2 on the right hand side. And now this-- the thing inparentheses-- because we still want to do theparentheses first. Pretty easy to evaluate. What's 7 plus 9? 7 plus 9 is 16. And so everything we havesimplifies to 7 times 2 plus 16 divided by 4 times 2. Now we don't have anyparentheses left, so we don't have to worryabout the P in PEMDAS. We have no E, noexponents in this. So then we go straight tomultiplication and division. We have a multiplication--we have some multiplication going on there. We have some divisiongoing on here, and a multiplication there. So we should do thesenext, before we do this addition right there. So we could do thismultiplication. We could do thatmultiplication. 7 times 2 is 14. We're going to waitto do that addition. And then here we have a16 divided by 4 times 2. That gets priority of theaddition, so we're going to do that before we do the addition. But how do we evaluate that? Do we do the division first,or the multiplication first? And remember, I told you in thelast video, when you have 2-- when you have multipleoperations of the same level-- in this case, division andmultiplication-- they're at the same level. You're safest goingleft to right. Or you should go left to right. So you do 16 divided by 4 is 4. So this thing right here--simplify 16 divided by 4 times 2. It simplifies to 4 times 2. That's this thing ingreen right there. And then we're going to want todo the multiplication next. So this is going to simplifyto-- because multiplication takes priority over addition--this simplifies to 8. And so you get 14-- this14 right here-- plus 8. And what's 14 plus 8? That is 22. That is equal to 22. And we are done.

Worked example: Order of operations (PEMDAS) (video) | Khan Academy (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.