The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)

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The Bangor Daily Newsi

Bangor, Maine

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a 20 THE BANGOR DAILY NEWS BANGOR MAINE SATURDAY AUGUST 12 1939 FOR NEWS WANT ADS DIAL 644j Unique Party at Searsport Home Harriet Snow of Rockland Engaged BPW at Belfast Has Aug Outing i itit ii a house Other guests at Ivy house this week included people from England Hungary and Czechoslovakia Mr and Mrs Winston Stover of Lynn Mass formerly of Belfast are spending their vacation in Maine They have been at Mt Ka-tahdln and will visit Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Earl Talbot here Mrs Holden Anderson and young son Richard of Quincy Mass who have been guests of the father Capt Stanley in Bar Harbor will visit Mr and Mrs George Leavitt over the week-end To Marry Robert len Local Notes Personals Members of Sunday School Class of 40 Years Ago Meet Austin Fernalds Have 21st Wedding Anniversary Locals MRS HAZEL ATWOOD Mrs Hazel Butt Atwood 45 born In Brewer daughter of Mr and Mrs Burr of Brewer died Tuesday in New York city Of marked musical talent she appeared frequently as a soloist in Brewer and in Rock- land She was a member of the i First Congregational church ot Christian and Missionary Alliance Rev Perry pastor: 2:00 Sun day school 3:00 preaching Moral Christian" 7:30 preaching the Comforter la Come" Tuesday 7:30 prayer and praise Friday 7:30 Everybody's Bible class 16 Harlow Street Mission 8 Adams pastor: meetings Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday evenings at 7:30: Sunday afternoons at 2:30 Bangor Spiritualist Church A hall Columbia street: There will be no services Sunday and the church will be closed during the summer months Interdenominational Gospel Mission 169 McLeod1 leader: 1:30 Sunday school: 2:30 afternoon service 7:30 evening service Pentecostal Mission 40 Central Park" street 'TlriT toZ ROCKLAND Aug li-i SL Catholic Church Rev Nelligan Masses at 5:45 7:00 8:15 9:30 and 10:45 a mJ benediction at 7:30 St Mary's Catholic Church Rev Brewer and Golden Rod chapter ofT Houlihan Masses at the Eastern Star in Rockland 7:00 8:15 9:30 A son Burr Atwood lives in 10:45 a (Low Mass) evening Bucksport Services will be in the 7:30 rosary and benediction Huggard Funeral Home in Brewer gt JohnB Episc0pal Church Rev Mrs Robert A Snow Siffv SEARSPORT- Aug Mrs James Parse Steamboat avenue The Junior Drum and Bugle corps I was hostess at a unique party Wed- Veterans of Wars) neBday afternoon when she enter- tained members ot the First Con hold Rockland have announce tt gagement of their daughter Virginia to Robert Wee Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock BELFAST Aug 11 The August outing of the Business and Professional Women's club was held Thursday evening at the village of Southard the first vice president at served Mrs Southard being assisted by Mrs Florence Spinney who was welcomed after being unable to attend the club for some years Fifteen were present including street A McQuarrie pastor guests Miss Alice Whitten Sunday services 1:30 church Newtpn Mass Miss Isabel school 2:30 afternoon services Glnn MJja cneva Hutchins Mrs 7:30 evening service Young and Mrs Rob- People's meeting Friday at 7:30 Lynwood Qesner and Mrs Rob' After some went Rockland son of Mrs jr len and the late Thomas a- Newton Mass Miss Snow attended Corn 'College for Women ard John A Purrer nastor: 8:00 Holy Communion 10:45 morning prayer PETER RANCO OLD TOWN Aug Peter Ranco 87 died Thursday at his Rev Arthur Little home on the reservation after al and sermon Hammond Slreet Congregational home on the reservation after All from Farmington Normal where she was a member Cf will parade will also be held The Corps holds rehearsals each gregational Sunday school class of Sunday at The Thistle and each which she was the teacher 40 years Wednesday at the hall on Field i street at 6:30 At that tlme there were 26 mem- Miss Inez Colcord of Washing- bers in the class but at the present ton daughter of Lincoln Col- I time only nine of those members cord of Searsport who is an appen- were ln Searsport They included dectomy patient in the Bradbury Mrs- Scott Blanchard (Lewene Memorial hospital ln this city is Nichols) of Brooklyn Mrs progressing very well and is now I Harold Marshall (Emily Ross) able to see friends ot Newton Center Mass Mrs Mrs Emily Johnson a surgical Harold Mari (Mildred Bowen) patient at the Bradbury was able HaroW Cook cHenrietUi Gil- to return to her home in Lincoln- M8' vine PrMv I Cobbett (Maude Smith) of Nytick A recent wedding was that of tand Charles Witham Reed son of Mr Thompson (Margaret Pendleton) Nu Omega sorontv brief illness He was thought to be the oldest male Indian on the Island He was born In Olamon and had lived on the reservation for 42 years He is survived by three sons John Everett and Nicholas Ranco all of Old Town three daughters minister: Union services at Souls Church during the month of August All Souls Church Rev Frederick Meek pastor: 10:45 morning worship and sermon by Rev Prince of Kennebunk the congre- was teacher of the thxrd the Tyler building last vr Mr Allen graduated tVm High school and the NV tile school He is errpl-recl man-manager of the a Vacuum Oil Co Rorkla wedding will take piaw jn 4 fall Miss Bally Dow Miss Rebecca Ross and Mrs Harry McCaslin The annual mid-summer bazaar and lawn party given by the Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church Thursday afternoon was well attended Mrs Ella Mo wry her daughter Mrs Sumner Pattee of Bellast and their house guest Miss Abbie Chase a former Searsport resident were among those attending the Methodist lawn party Thursday Mrs Herbert Rackliff and younger son Herbert Jr of New York and Old Town have been guests of the former's sister Mrs Sumner Small and Mr Small Commander and Mrs Wilbur Carver of Belmont' Mass are spending the season at Lotus lodge their summer home at Be bee lake came tday for a few da visit with her mother Mrs Henrietta Young Recent guests of Mr and Mrs Andrew Allen at Southerly were Mr and Mrs Eustis Dwyer of Orange and Boothbay Harbor The' following group of men went down the bay this morning on the Jackson sloop Black Jck: Dr Arthur Jackson Robert Nichols Andrew McGown Ben Phillips Andrew Allen and Dr William Stahl Miss Margaret Lyons of Boston a house guest of her sister and Mrs Arthur Jackson of the Pleasant Point summer colony- was hostess to a luncheon today at the Wild-Brier In Belfast for Mrs William Stahl Mrs Theodore A Chilcott Mrs James Leighton of Hallowell and Mrs Jackson Services Sunday at the First Congregational church the Rev John Fitzgerald pastor Include morning service 10:30 subject The Fellowship of Kindred Minds cuhrch school 11:45 Young People's society 6:30 leader Miss Feme Howard refreshments to be served COLLEGE CLUB INN Among the guests at the College Club Inn this week were Mr and Mrs Kent Hubbard of Middle-ton Conn and Camden who were dinner guests Thursday night Mrs Rhodes of Orono who gave a luncheon party at the inn for six guests- Miss Lucia Russell Briggs president of Milwaukee-Downer college: Miss Frances Hadley and Miss Amelia Clewley Ford dinner guests and Mr and Mrs Walter Whltehill of Peabody Museum Salem Mass ert Emery supper Bangor Gospel Tabernacle 98 Ex- I out on the lake for pond lilies and change street Rev Lounsoury the evening was spent socially the pastor: Services Sunday afternoon cottage of Granville HofTses next to at 2:30 and Sunday Wednesday and the southard cottage also being Friday evenings at 8:00 used The Salvation Army Major and The first regular meeting of the Mrs George Simons and Lieut La- I new club year will be held Tuesday ward Alleu officers in charge: 2:00 evening Sept 5 church school 6:00 Young Ninety-two in the shade was Legion 8:00 evening serv- recorded on thermometers in Belfast Adjutant and Mr Tt Seaverof the local sv Mrs Frederick Sawyer (Sarah Grln-nell) of Bangor and Mrs Lillian Smith Coombs MLss Orris Greenlaw of St Petersburg Fla her cousin William Finch of New York and Gordon Walter of St Petersburg have arrived for a bride is a graduate of Camden High severa 6tay at Greenflnch crnwl rna cam caq i I and Mrs Victor Reed of Lincoln ville and Katherine May Bridges daughter of Mr and Mrs Grover Bridges of Camden The bridegroom is a graduate of Crosby High school in the class of 1938 and his school the same Friday but there was a good breeze Mr and Mrs Austin Femald Lincolnville avenue observed their ice Grace Methodist Church Rev Charles Parkin minister: Junior Mrs Mary Spencer Old Town Mrs gallon of the Hammond Street Con Waldo Blossom of Amesbury Mass gregational Church will join the Mrs Thomas Greney of Fall River church for union services during the month of August Funeral services will be Saturday I First Method! Church Rev Raymorning at 8 o'clock in St Ann's mond Hart pastor: Services in church on th4 reservation union with the First Baptist Church Rev Daniel Thompson speaker EDWIN WOOD I First Baptist Church Rev Daniel SOUTH ORRINGTON Aug Thompson pastor: Services during Edwin Wood 86 died Friday at the month of August will be held at his home here Born here much of I the First Methodist Church his active life was in Boston as a The Forest Avenue Congregational master builder and helped construct I church Rev Robert Mayhew pas-the North Station He retired about tor: 10:00 morning worship and 20 years ago and had lived here sermon Church meeting follow since He is survived by his wife the service Mrs Gertrude Wood and by a sis- First church Donald ter Miss Ellen Wood of Boston Fu- jjyrurt pastor: No services until naval Thill Ka In I JQ neral services will be in the Metho corps will leave Aug 18 stay at Old th- campground where a ror--S' officers wull be held Aj will play the cornet band which will be o-rjeC furnish music at the will be accompanied tv- I year-old ton Thomas Maude Staples mllj be a the services here wh 1 awav year Mr Reed is now employed in the Camden Woolen Mill and he and his bride will be at home to friends Farm on the Bangor road Mrs Fred Minton of Cleveland Ohio a as hostess Wednesday to a small group of friends at the Minton ater August 21 on Mt Battle bungalow on Water street for luncb-street Camden eon and cardS- The Waterville band Drew 1 Mr and Mrs Church at 9:30 a conducted by twenty-first wedding anniversary Miss Anna Hughes morning wor- Wednesday evening The house was ship and-sermon at 10:45 o'clock A decorated with flowers the gifts of special session of the quarterly con- friends A buffet supper was served ference will be held at the close I Those present were Mr and Mrs of the meeting I Ralph Howes Mr and Mrs West Bangor Methodist Church George Hart of Belfast and Mrs Rev Charles Parkin minister: Story Trundy of Searsport morning worship and sermon at Mrs Cecil Clay has returned 9:30 a home from a visit out of First Church of Christ Scientist I town She was the guest of Mrand 183 French street: Services at 10:35 Mrs- William MacDonald in a Wednesday evening at 7:30 cester Masstor apS Sunday school: primary classes for I Mrs- Edlth th week The rest of Samuel Robinson and son Harold Miss Estelle Dutley and Miss Wade all of Bangor are spending two weeks at the Clarence director will give a concert at the Belfast city park Sunday after- noon at three o'clock dist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Mrs Donald Qlark was hostess Gilkey cottage at a birthday party for her twin Luncheon guests of Mrs Wilbur nephews John Halloway and Wil- Barker and Mr and Mrs Wilbur 11am Stewart sons of Mr and Mx-s Blodgett one day this week were Mr Advent Christian Church Rev Jaffarian pastor: 10:30 morning worship and sermon 11:45 Sunday school 7:00 intercessory prayer groups 7:30 evangelistic service thtarold Jones of Mount Vernon an(f Mrs Lewis Hogan of jiarragansett a formerly of Belfast The af- iand Mr Hogan is active in children up to and including seven years of age will convene at 10:35 time she visited in a as usual Classes for pupils of Newportand Baston eight years and over will convene 1 wns at 12 noon I for a Hospital day was linen flower and candy EDWIN HOPKINS JR TRENTON Aug Edwin Hopkins Jr 28 who died Thursday I conducted by the pastor Mid-week afternoon at the residence of Mrs prayPr meeting Wednesday evening Lottie Hopkins after a long Illness at was born here son of Edain Columbia Street Baptist Church Hopkins Sr and of Winnie MeFar- Murchie pastor: 10:30 observed by a sale Thursday on the grounds of Dr and MrS Eugene Stevens Guests of Mrs Mabel Adams at include Mr and Mrs Brewer St Catholic Church Brewer Rev Morlarty pastor: w- George Leman of New York land Hopkins who died ln 1918 He graduated from Bar Harbor High school and was employed in the Mount Desert Nurseries and later in the Higgins grocery Sur vlving are his father his wife who a as Catherine Cousins of Franklin morning worship and sermon Rev Morley Durost speaker 12:00 church school 6:15 Christian En deavor 7:30 evening song and service The Essex Street Free Baptist Boy fair was held on the Clark lawn Scout work in Portland Refreshments served from a large Mrs Albert Blanchard bTen table included two decorated birth- tertaining Mrs Frank Phillips of day cakes Those present were Brooklyn Sandra Sherman Jo-Ann and Toi- The annual parish meeting of the ford Durham Irene and Shirley Second Congregational church will Merrill Dawn Pettingill Marian be held Monday evening at 7 30 Gray Joan Whitten Juanita Mann- o'clock in Knyvetta hall Searsport ing of Portland and Susan Pelham Harbor Clark baby daughter of the The Misses Edith and Emily Ellis hostess of Cape Jellison are guests of their The resignations of Miss Virginia grandparents Mr and Mrs Read A Ladd and Carleton Robbins Lowell West Main street were accepted at the last regular Mrs Addle Mansur of Green meeting of the Belfast school com- w-ich Conn is spending some time mittee Miss Ladd has taught Eng-1 with her cousin and husband Mr lish for the past year She has-now and Mrs LeRoy Littlefield accepted a position with the Arfleri- ir- and Mrs Ross Allen Locals Personals From Thomaston and Miss Florence Johnson secretary of the Junior League in New York Mr Leman is one of the officials of the Irving Trust company in that city and Mrs Leman is the former saartje de Zwann of Holland and Pretoria South Africa First Methodist Churc Rev Her- Her sister Donne was presented at the Court of St James this past 7:00 low mass 9:30 high mass 2:00 Sunday school 5:15 benediction St Catholic Church South Brewer: 6:45 8:00 and 10:00 o'clock Aldrich pastor 9:30 Ftockland Kiwaniars of their families will at the Arthur Or Crawford's Lake Unr The only arrival a1- Em pa't 24 hours was the kegon Capt Bam wri 4 swordfish caught on from Boston The class of 1912 school held its mmi a ledge Inn Spruce Heac week Twenty nexr'" guests were present iw i Fi'a Anna Cougium YLJt teacher and prirnpa years Officers elected Jones president Flam ner vice president Mr Ulmer St Clair seerrtu Nellie Cobb Peterson Dr and Mrs Guy Wj Bar Harbor Monria'j a attending the am the Methodw-t ch rr Wilson was pastor three years The Cullen targe was grounded out at rine company afternoon on- acco has tightened up draft stone laden westward until a pected here from is installed The tug Tamaqa Mount Airy in tow an day night The craft will be docked at the ra Saturday morning The tug Mars air it'd a two-year-old two sis-1 Church Rev Aubrey Winsor ters Mrs George Robertson who pastor: 10:30 morning worship lives here and Mrs Lewis King of "By Faith Abraham During Au-Eden two aunts and an uncle Mrs I gust- this will be the only service of Harold Higgins Mrs John Moran the day and Richard McFarland of Bar Harbor Martin Bohn There were floral Services will be in the Union tributes from relatives and friends church Sunday afternoon at 2 Twin sons Crosby and Guilford of Portland are expected this week end to visit the Robert Nichols Union street Mr and Mrs Arthur Cobon and their guests Mr and Mrs Fred bert morning worship Calvary Baptist Church Rev Paul Jackson pastor: 10:30 morning worship and sermon 12:00 church school: 5:30 Young meeting 7:00 evening services Second Congregational Church can Youths Hostels Inc of North field Mass Miss Shirley Thayer of Swanville has been elected to fill the vacancy She was the valedictorian of her July Mrs Vannie Rackliffe who has been visiting here son and daughter-in-law Mr and Mrs Henry Curntngham for some weeks is now the guest of her brother in Sandy Point Mrs David Whitmore of Lynn Mass is the guest of Mrs Lilly by Rev Ralph Kimball I Stevens a sister Mrs Georgie of the Ellsworth Methodist church pmkham of Rockland a grand and Interment in the Goose Cove I daughter and other relatives sur-cemetery The bearers will be New- V1VP ell Rumery George Mitchell John Mr ancj Mrs Harold Davis of Preble and Irving Gordon Rockland Mr and Mrs Roscoe Wass of Harrington Charles Young FRANK RUSSELL I of Goulds boro and Mr and Mrs PITTSFIELD Aug Frank Ivan Hanson of Winter Harbor Russell 65 who died at his home were among those from out of town on Washington street had been ill I attending the services South Brewer Rev Raymond Coese boom pastor: 10:45 morning I Main street worship and sermon nA Mrs Richard Ward of Seventh Day Adventist Church New York city and Swampscott Odd Fellows hall Brewer: Saturday Mass were recent guests of Mr afternoon 2:00 and 400 service and Mrs George Pingree at I Belvedere The Rev and Mrs Frederick Old Town class in Crosby and was graduated I Neptune spent Thursday at the Col-Irom Smith College in June being 5CI cottage Swan Lake Swimming on the list Mr Robbins was elected to the By Grace Are ou Saved will be Crosby Junior High mathematics subject of the sermon to be given department but has recently been Sunday afternoon at the Second elected to the faculty of Castlne Congregational church by Alton Normal school Greenlaw student pastor Mrs Nellie Marden who has) and-Mrs FVmI A Small were been a teacher in the Swanvdle this afternoon where schools for 18 years has been elected £ey attended the funeral services ol to succeed Mr' Robbins in Crosby 1 Mr and Mrs Eldon Dexter Pond lat th ing ket me Ap lar sid coi mi Po ler wfc fat stc 'Ne tio rej He th( de: 1 tin col As svt th ha vte i inj rn fei ag tl sp Itl iei po at ml fo: ne Gi Al th as la ne he sit ye lot ca ca be fu ric sc fa 7Q th th de in be tt Cl fa Li lv 1 31 pt ta fit 11 1 -f Al I -I 4 I ft a THOMASTON Aug Mr and Mrs Stanley Macgowan were hosts to the members of the Rook club at a picnic supper Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Carl Sontag of Rockland were dinner guests of Mr end Mrs Walter Bowe Friday Mrs Isabelle Shields andtwo children left Sunday for a three weeks' vist with her brother in Nashua Mr and Mrs Ralph Crawford were guests at cards of Mr and Mrs Harold Robinson at Camden Thursday evening Mr and Mrs James Hamilton of New Haven Conn Mr and Mrs have been guests of Mr and Mrs Guy Lermand at their cottage at Holiday beach returned home Saturday Mr and Mrs John Hewett have as guests Mrs Frank Cushing Mrs Stuart Pratt daughter Miss Carolyn Pratt and Edward Wilkes of Providence I and Mrs Mark Hewett of Los Angeles Cal The Rev Wentworth of St Petersburg Fla the Rev 3 Berry of Waterville left Friday for a few days stay at Monhegan Stephen Lavendar of Kansas City Mo is visiting his parerjts Dr and Ph-att of Salem Mass who '1! Uien bar'f' 1 i tow The batte Cy) for the past year A native of Lin-neus he had lived here for the past 20 years He is survived by his wife Mrs Lena Russell and a son Clarence Russell of Pittsfield Funeral services were at the rest dence by Rev Josephine Fol solm The bearers were LaForest Trask Sydney Ward Hollis Lane and Lewis McFarland Interment was in the local cemetery Stockton Springs Locals Personals (Henrietta Gilkey Decrow) and son Dexter of New York Miss Azubah Decrow and Miss Dorothy Decrow of Bangor Tuesday luncheon guests at Colonial Gables and were callers on friends in town Leon Cobbett and eldest daughter Miss Elsie May Cobbett are coming their Long Island join Mrs Cobbett and of the family at the and Mrs Fred JACOB MELANSON BROWNVILLE Aug Interment will be here Saturday for Jacob Melanson born here son of Fidele and Elizabeth White Melanson and who d(ed in Pittsfield Mass Surviving are his wife Mrs- Victoria Mishou Melanson three sons and two daughters Victor Melanson in Montana Mrs Floyd Amidon of Berlin Joseph and Elmer Melanson and Dorothy in New York city' also the brothers and sisters Elmer Melanson of Cherryfield Orrin Melanson of Waltham Mass Trefly Melanson of Ware Mass Thomas Theo-polus and Albert Meanson -who live here and Mrs Armstrong of Hialeah Fla by the tug Fugene i'd Cat St Geer 7- blocks will be loaded The sailboat Capt John Snow an by Frederick M--r 1 been undergoing Snow Marine Cotrprr-v ra-f put overboard tocav and t---tnaJ runs about the is now being placed ml 40-year-old craft Miss Eliza S'erle K'i O-r nurse is shortly 1 3 rcrprnerce fi annual vacation Mrs former school nurv a 1 STOCKTON SPRINGS The Universalist A fair postponed because of the centennary celebration of the Congregational I home of Mr Sunday from home to other members church in Sandy Point village I Smith Church street Next week the be held aLthe parish house Wednes-I Cobbett family plan to spend in day August 23 It will begin about camp at Sanford with Mr Cobbett Anna Locke Locke of Cambridge Mr returned home Thursday FUNERAL SERVICES The funeral of Thomas Burke will be in St John's Catholic church this morning at ten St Catholic Church Old Town Rev Wilfred Ouellette pas tor: Masses at 6:30 7:45 10:15 a catechism 2 vespers St Anne's Catholic Church In dian Island Rev Dulac: a benediction 3 St Catholic Church Old Town Rev Charles Biglin pastor Masses at 7:00 and 300 o'clock both low misses Catechism after the 8:30 mass Old Town Baptist Church Rev Lester pastor: 10:30 morning worship and sermon 11:30 church school: 6:00 Christian Endeavor 7:00 evening service First Methodist Episcopal Church Old Town Rev Royal Brown minister: 10:30 unified service of education and worship St James Episcopal Church Old Town Rev Gordon Giliett pastor :00 early communion service 9:30 church school: 10:30 morning prayer 10:45 Holy- Eucharist with hymns and sermon Stillwater Federated Church Rev Royal Brown minister: 7:30 wor ship service St Catholic Church Bradley Rev Joel Bouchard pastor: 8:00 low mass 10:00 high mass benediction at 3 o'clock Bradley Baptist Church Rev Thomas pastor: 10:30 morning iservice 11:45 Sunday school 6:30 Christian Endeavor Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 00 Great Work Baptist Church Rev Thomas pastor: 2:00 worship service and sermon 3:00 church school 7:00 Christian Endeavor Hayes and family will spend next week with relatives in Bradford Conn and the remainder of their vacation will be passed at Swan lake Visiting pastors will fill the pulpit in the First Church the two Sundays in August and the church will be closed for two Sundays in September The Waldo County Fish and Game association will hold its ninth annual field day Sunday at the Earl Curtis farm at Swan lake Mrs Florence McAndless Snow formerly of Belfast has returned to her home in Watertown Mass after being the guest of Mr and Mrs Charles Getchell Mr and Mrs Thomas Bowker returned Thursday evening from Winthrop Mrs Bowker's old home where they have been the guests since Sunday of Mrs Leah Belle Mr Bowker who is money order clerk in the Belfast post is having three vacation Mr: William Garriguem and Miss Florence Howarth of Maywood have teen guests of Mrs Marian Wescott the house guest of Mrs Katherine Hollingshead Sherman Smally of Chelsea Mass and Sheridan Smalley of Nashua twins have arrived for their annual visits with relatives They have been at the cottage of their nephew A Smalley at Swan Lake and later will visit other relatives In town Mr and Mrs Edward A Jordan entertained at End" re cently Mr and Mrs Theodore Lockwood of Mr and Mrs Chester Kendrick of Islington Mass Mr and Mrs Frederic Pike of Waban Mass and Mrs mother Mrs A Brown of Brookline Mass Mr Lockwood Is commander-in-chief of Massachusetts consistory A A and Mr Pike is assistant secretary of the Scottish Rite todies of Boston The Pikes and Mrs Brown were also recent overnight guests at Ivy WILL TREADWELL PRENTISS Aug Will Treadwell 72 who died at his home Monday suddenly although ln impaired health for some time had lived here all hia life and was very active regardless of his health Relatives are his brother Riah Treadwell and a son Mill age Tread well who live here a sister Mrs Edwdth Bowman of Litchfield and a daughter Mrs Mildred Budge of North Grafton Mass There are 13 grandchildren Funeral services were Wednesday afternoon by Rev Mr Parker of Lincoln Center Attending from out of town were Mr and Mrs Benjamin Allen Robert Allen and -Mr and Mrs Harvey of Lincoln Frank Lewis Laurence Lloyd' and Eileen Lewis Mr and Mrs Hiram Burke Mr and Mrs George Kelley and Mr and Mrs Guy Lewis of Caribou Mr and Mrs George Achom of Augusta Roy and Albert Merrill of Maxfleld Mrs Lizzie Treadwell of Levant Mrs Frank Budge and son of North Grafton Mass Mr and Mrs Harold Mills of Tewksbury Mr and Mrs Harold Burke and Mrs Amelia Keroshka of New Haven Conn The bearers were Ray and William Thompson Hiram and Harold Burke Funeral services for Miss Ellen Dunroe will be in St Catholic church this morning at nine o'clock i Mr and Mrs Wood who have been guests of Oscar Copeland have returned to their home in Millinocket Mr and Mrs Frederick Jordan Lewis Sturt ev ant son Joseph are in town this week moving their household goods from their former father Wilbur Cobbett The annual meeting of the Carver Memorial Library association was held in the library Thursday evening at 7:30 with a good number present The meeting was called to order by the president Clifford Carver General routine woxk was voted on and the follow- ing officers and committees were elected to serve for the ensuing year President Mr Carver vice president Robert Nichols treasurer James Duncan: secretary Miss Amelia Ford book committee Miss Elsie Gilkey librarian Mrs Henrietta Cook assistant librarian Mrs James Duncan the Rev James Barr Rev: John Fitzpatrick Miss Elizabeth Sawyer and Miss-Helen McCaughey Membership committee Miss Ford Lincoln Colcord Miss ALTON Aug Funeral services for Mrs Annie Carr will be Satur-d afternoon at two o'clock in the church here on Mains street owned bv Mrs Rose trip the party Watts of Belmont Mass i White Thomas McGrall who has been be absent from spending the past month tow a has returned to Dover Richard Spear of Jersey City is visiting his (parents Mr and M's Kf Maynard Ppuai for two weeks Mrs Edith Hill who has been visiting William Lenfest has re-1 PT'! v-t turned to her home in Reading Mass itvr CH VF CH Funeral services for Mrs Hattie Coombs wife of Leslie Coombs were at the residence 193 Wilson street Brewer Friday afternoon by Rev Basil Gleason- There was a large attendance of friends and floral tributes in great- profusion The bearers were Arthur Smith Frank Beal Arthur Woodman and Frank Nickerson Interment was in the family lot in the Millvale cemetery Bucksport noon and there will be an entertainment in the evening Mallory owner of th? Mallory line Capt Gavett supei-intendent of the lines and Dinsmore manager of line at Bucksport were guests at the anchorage Wednesday of Capt and Mrs Charles Staples and Page Spalding Capt Staples is a retired captain of the Mallory lines and Mr Spalding was also connected with them for years The party came from the Mallory yacht Bonny Dundee which has been in the Penobscot off Bucksport for some days Phyllis Murry of Quincy Mass a summer visitor for some years in town gave a beach iparty at Fort Point Thursday evehing for the younger set Those present were: the Misses Sidney Nancy and Eleanor Gardner Carol Young Catherine Dobbins and her guest Emma Towle Ruth Holmes Eva Harriman Marie Lennon and her house guest Joy Costales Elva May Burdette Joan Devercaux and Priscilla and Virginia Winslow Vion I Tuppcr Eugene Harry Jr Robert Gardner Richard Do ns Clarence Dobbins Quentm Gray Roland Harrison A shore supper was enjoed Those attending the school of instruction in Belfast from this town were Mrs Ada Moors worthy matron of Bethany chapter Mrs Jula Hary who will act as Ada Mrs or tense Heath as Esther Mrs Carol assitant conductress: Mrs Ada Murigett Mrs Ethel Clark Mrs Gladys Heath Mrs Mary Bowden Mrs Susie McGee and Mrs Emma Patterson Lester Bragg arrived Thursday from South America for his usual vacation with his mother Mrs Jennie Bragg Mr Bracg has been ronn-cted with the United Fruit company Joe some years Irving Littlefield chief refrigerating engln-er of the Puerto R)co is the guest of hia mother Mrs Isaac Littlefield M-v A Orman of New Rochelle is vWtuig Mr and 9 Other Churehes Mrs C- William X- Smith Mr and Mrs Charles Wirrhen- a bach are passing the week-end whh nd's MONSON Aug Funeral serv 1-es for Alner Gilbert a ill be at the residence Saturday afternoon at two by Rev Erold Farrar of the Ellsworth Baptist church rx-r lv 4 rr brother Mrs Wilson Mrrturo at Union m- Jf (T rf' -u MRS DORA BENNER -THOMASTON- Aug Mrs Dora Benner 67 widow of William Benner died early this morning after a long illness Surviving are two daughters Mrs Mertle Armstrong and Mrs Geneva Ulmer of Rockland and a son Everett Benner of this city The funeral will be Monday at 2 in the Methodist church- where he has employment Flalph Staples of Cambridge who has been in York to attend the silver wedding of the Willard Grimes has returned to town He was accompanied by his daughter Miss Beulah Staples of Cambridge and Mr and Mrs FJierton Whittier of Needham Mass The Whittiers who visited Mr and Mrs James Crocker and other relatives while here have returned to their home Mus Stapie is the guest of her aunt Mrs Charles Emery William Currier of Bangor and Sandy Foint has been auditing the town books While in (own he dined with th? James Mr and Mrs Arthur Dugan and son Merrill Somerville Mass are in town and occupying their cousin's Mrs Nicholas Ginns camp Skipakl on Blanchard's cove Cnarles Reed of New York is visiting Capt and Mrs Charles Devereaux 1 f- i-f ft A A --00 Th Indies cl i Wednesday at the church at 13 UV' o'clock Tfce picnic dinner will aervfd and a meeting he'd R'i at 2 o'clock MRS ALMENA STEVENS STEUBEN Aug Funeral services for Mrs Almena Stevens 88 widow of Roscoe Stevens were at her home in Pinkham Bay by Rev Pf 4' i Frederick Powers has returned to Portland after a visit wuh hs father Dr 8 Power Asaph of Bnnbr India a member of the Camden summer colony gejj -ter' 5 Ravmord Thorn of Rutherford0' tve Rcxrkiand R-Manv t-' 9 jft 4-r pr LIMESTONE Aug Funeral services for Mss Vivian Edgecomb who died in Portland were ln the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon by Rev Dartnell Two selections were sung by a Mrs Hallie Leighton Mrs Anna Wachlin and Miss LouLe McDougal with Miss Muriel Fhalr accompanist The bearers were Almon Beecher and Roscoe Edgecomb and Albert Getrheli Flowers were In great profusion Interment was in the family let ln the Episcopal cemetery Attending from out of town were Mrs Edna Long of Hartland Mr and Mrs Beckwith Mr nd Mrs Clony McPherson Mrs Carle-ton Coffy Mr and Mrs Carleton Ccffy Mr and Mrs Ernest Beck-ulth Mrs Luella Beckwith and Arnold Beckwith of Presque Isle Mrs Alonzo Hawthorn two daughters and son and Mrs Percy Lockhart and daughter of Upper Kent South Newburg Church: Services Sunday evening at 800 Rev Earl Hunt of Hermon speaker Amherst and Aurora Congregational Church Rev Lester pastor: church school Sunday afternoon at 2:00 regular worship service at 3:00 Prayer rr feting Thursday evening at 700 East Bangor Congregational Church Rev Frederick Day pastor: 10:30 morning worship and sermon 11:30 church school 7:30 Pilgrim Fellowship Exeter Center Baptist Church Rev Knowles pastor: 10:00 religious services Exeter Chamberlain Church Rev Oearv pastor: 12:00 Sunday school 1:00 church service with sermon by pastor Hampden Methodist Church Rev McMahon pastor: 9:30 church school 10:30 morning worship and sermon 630 Epworth League Hermon Baptist Church: 8unday morning servic at 10 Rev Beatty pastor Sunday school Eddington-North Brewer Method -1st Church Rev Leslie Howland pastor: 1030 morning worship and sermon 11:30 church school 6:30 Fp worth League 7:30 evening service Hampden Congregational Church Rev Randall Chaplain pastor: 10 30 mormrg aorship and sermon Itf Frankfort Congregational Church Rev Randall Chaplain Mason pastor: 9:00 morning worship 10:15 church school Veazie Congregational church Earle Greenlaw pastor: 10:30 morning worship and sermon: 11:45 church school 7:00 Young People's group Miss Evelyn Ameti leader Carmel Union Church Rev Luther Ballou pastor: 945 church school 11:00 morning worship and sermon 8:00 evening service 1 Vklnterport Methodist Church Rev Frank Hall minister: Sunday morning worship service is at 1030 during July August and the first Sunday in September The week-night service Is held Wednesday evening at 730 North Bangor Congregational Church Charles Hass pastor 9:30 church school 7:30 evening worship and sermon West Hampden Baptist Church Arlington Booker pastor: -10 00 o'clock sermon 11:00 o'clock Sunday school Orono Unlim Services: Sunday July 23 at 1045 o'clock in Ft John's Universalist Church Main street Rev Ellis Davies former pastor LCKIXT Artistic Floral Designs 164 Meant Hope Arenac TeL 8006 has joined hia famiiv at summer place on the Sandy PYunt ros Mr and Mrs Frank Partridge of (North Adams Mass were recently Mrs Flora Ward of FTospecl spent in town 61 nAwn kk r-t'tr QUALITY FLOW IKS Ac Always Appreciated Baagoe Nursery Flewrv 8bep Outer State SL TeL 6144 Friday night A four-handed piarso reciui be at Capt Erl' Bmt Barn in Rock port Saturday evening August 26 bv Ralph Berko 1 a--j Vladimir Sv'koioff and the protee will be used for the bench of th Rorkport children' Clirtstmas furd A viohn-piano renveert will be at 83d otrlotk Sunday bv Marvw Headbrodskv violin "and Eager Helmar piano The public 1 invited Mias Marion Haskell of Washing-ton and Mv D-ru Ha a i cf IgniSiana have been gvxe5 their aunt Ma (V-wgia H'! p4 IM Af 4 r- Faut Olaude of Biddeford wrh-v has been a guest of the James Griffins after a tour of Canada has returned home James Clifford and family of New York are visiting Mr Clifford father Clifford and other member of his family at the A A Staples place in Sandy Point Miss Helen Hardrg a ho remained in Rocky Creek Conn a the guest of her a5tcr and broth Thursday waih Capt and Mry Harry Ilichborn Church street Charles Rodgers of Winchester Mass and his taro daughters were guests Thursday at the Harry Hichboma Mrs Ernest Tupper Mr Bson Preston and Miss Mary Hichbom were in Bangor Thursday Mr and Mrs Ralph Eve or Bangor have bought "Red the Hamilton estate in Sandy Point and will use it as a summer home Hkvirm GGcluaril HtJGGAPI) 9 A COMPLETE FUNKRAI SERVICE At east to suit one's deairo lady Assistant TeL Bang at in-law the Rev and Mr Kernel Fre st ret Broiks ha joined her ftmitv 1a i Mr Mw Carl Hopm- just re Mor'pe'er Vt be been ei-p i ii sc of this church but now of the 1 A5 church school 700 evening tartan Church In Wollaston Miss wta be the speaker service 9691 Kenneth HU son rf Capt aod Mrs Ralph Hall is in Appletoj turned from the west coast town Mjw Kard'rg has (teutue in Camden.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.