City Council Redistricting (2024)

Houston City Council voted October 12 to approve and adopt a redistricting plan that will establish new boundaries of single-member City Council districts effective January 2024.

The redistricting plan was developed based on 2020 Census data, redistricting criteria approved by City Council, public input as well as analysis by the Planning and Development Department, the City's Demographer, and the City’s legal counsel.

Census 2020 data showed that the distribution of population among current City Council districts is materially imbalanced, thus requiring redistricting to comply with the "one-person, one-vote" equal population principle established by the U.S. Constitution.

City Council undertook the process of redistricting in 2022 to establish new boundaries more than a year before the November 2023 General Election. This will allow prospective City Council candidates to verify residency eligibility to run in a single-member district before the November 2023 General Election filing period. The new district boundaries will be used for the purpose of electing District Council Members at the City General Election to be held on November 7, 2023, and will go into effect for terms of office beginning on January 2, 2024.

“Representation matters, and redistricting requires tough decisions that will affect our Council districts for the next 10 years. The law requires us to balance the populations of our Council districts and that is what we accomplished after much thoughtful discussion,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner. “This is a complicated process with many moving parts, and I fully appreciate all the feedback we received from residents and civic groups, as well as the hard work from of our redistricting experts and Planning Department employees.”

Approved Redistricted City Council District Boundaries
Updated on Oct. 18, 2022


Approved Revised Citywide map
Current Citywide map


Approved Revised District A map

Overlay map - District A


Approved Revised District B map
Overlay map - District B


Approved Revised District C map
Overlay map - District C
Current District C map


Approved Revised District D map

Overlay map - District D

Current District D map


Approved Revised District E map

Overlay map - District E

Current District E map


Approved Revised District F map

Overlay map - District F


Approved Revised District G map

Overlay map - District G

Current District G map


Approved Revised District H map

Overlay map - District H

Current District H map


Approved Revised District I map

Overlay map - District I

Current District I map


Approved Revised District J map

Overlay map - District J

Current District J map


Approved Revised District K map

Overlay map - District K

Current District K map

Staff Reports and Data Tables:

Redistricting Town Hall Meetings/Initial Public Comment and Proposed Redistricting Staff Plan - June 30, 2022

Proposed Council District Demographics - Oct. 12, 2022

Voting Precinct List for Proposed Council Districts - Oct. 12, 2022

Extended Public Comment Period:

The City of Houston extended the public comment period to receive comments, suggestions, and alternate plans from the public regarding the Proposed City Council Redistricting Plan.

All comments and proposed Redistricting plans were due by Friday, July 29 at 4:45 p.m.

Email Redistricting questions and comments to Rupesh Koshy at

July Public Hearings

The City Council held three public hearings to receive comments, suggestions, and alternate plans from the public regarding the Proposed City Council Redistricting Plan, in accordance with the City Charter, Article V, Sec. 3:

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

Public Engagement

Phase 1 COMPLETE: Town Hall meetings were held in April and May in each district to obtain public input on how the districts should be reconfigured. The City asked for public feedback before drawing the new maps; no new maps were presented at the town hall meetings. Residents may also submit their own redistricting plan to the Planning & Development Department by July 20.
Phase 2 COMPLETE : District boundaries were redrawn based on 2020 Census data, the redistricting criteria approved by City Council, and public input.
Phase 3: COMPLETE Draft Redistricting Plan was completed and presented to City Council.
Phase 4: COMPLETE Public commented on the proposed new maps at three public hearings in July.

Town Hall Meetings

Each City Council district hosted a Town Hall meeting to explain the redistricting process, and to allow members of the public to give input to the City on how they want their district to look in the future. These meetings were conducted in person.

DateCouncil MemberDistrict Location
Tuesday, April 19Dave MartinEKingwood Park Community Center,
4102 Rustic Woods Dr., 77345
Monday, April 25Karla CisnerosHMoody Park Community Center,
3725 Fulton St., 77009
Tuesday, April 26Amy PeckA

Trini Mendenhall Community Center,
1414 Wirt Rd., 77055

Monday, May 2Edward PollardJSharpstown Park Community Center,
6855 Harbor Town Dr., 77036

Tuesday, May 3
Abbie KaminCCongregation Emanu El,
1500 Sunset Blvd., 77005
Wednesday, May 4Martha Castex-TatumKFountain Life Center,
14083 S. Main St., 77035
Tuesday, May 10Robert GallegosIHCC Southeast Campus, Building D
6815 Rustic St., 77087

Thursday, May 12
Mary Nan HuffmanGGrace Presbyterian Church,
10221 Ella Lee Lane, 77042

Monday, May 16
Carolyn Evans-ShabazzDHCC South Campus,
1990 Airport Blvd, 77051
Tuesday, May 17Tiffany D. ThomasFAlief ISD Center of Talent Development,
14411 Westheimer Road, 77082

Wednesday, May 18
Dave MartinESpace Center Houston
1601 E. NASA Pkwy, 77058
Thursday, May 19Tarsha JacksonBAcres Home Multi-Service Center,
Senior Service Room,
6719 W. Montgomery Road, 77091
New Date:
Wednesday, May 25
Virtual MeetingAnyResidents who cannot attend the meetings in person may choose to attend a virtual meeting. This meeting will only cover Redistricting; CIP updates will not be on the agenda.

Join Microsoft Teams meeting

Call in (audio only) +1 936-755-1521,,861716070#
Phone Conference ID: 861 716 070#

6:00 p.m.

Overall Timeline

The process began in March 2022 and will be complete when the newly-elected City Council takes office on January 2, 2024.

Tuesday, March 29Budget and Fiscal Affairs City Council Committee presentation
Wednesday, March 30City adopts resolution containing restricting criteria
April-MayRedistricting Town Hall meetings
June-JulyDraft Redistricting Plan completed and presented to City Council
Wednesday, July 13Public hearings of City Council: 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Wednesday, July 20Public hearings of City Council: 9 a.m.
Friday, July 29Deadline for public submission of redistricting plans
SeptemberRevised Plan presented to City Council
Wednesday, October 12On Council Agenda:
  • Ordinance declaring population of City, finding single-member districts materially imbalanced
  • Redistricting Plan ordinance establishing boundaries of single-member districts.

JanuaryOn Council Agenda
  • Ratification of ordinances passed in October 2022.
July 22-August 21Filing Period for November 2023 General Election
November 7Election Day

January 1New Council District boundaries go into effect
January 2Mayor, Council Members, Controller assume their offices

Council Districts

Enter your address into the Who is My Council Member website to verify your district, or review the current City Council District map below.

City Council Redistricting (13)

Houston City Council voted October 12 to approve and adopt a redistricting plan that will establish new boundaries of single-member City Council districts effective January 2024.

The redistricting plan was developed based on 2020 Census data, redistricting criteria approved by City Council, public input as well as analysis by the Planning and Development Department, the City's Demographer, and the City’s legal counsel.

Census 2020 data showed that the distribution of population among current City Council districts is materially imbalanced, thus requiring redistricting to comply with the "one-person, one-vote" equal population principle established by the U.S. Constitution.

City Council undertook the process of redistricting in 2022 to establish new boundaries more than a year before the November 2023 General Election. This will allow prospective City Council candidates to verify residency eligibility to run in a single-member district before the November 2023 General Election filing period. The new district boundaries will be used for the purpose of electing District Council Members at the City General Election to be held on November 7, 2023, and will go into effect for terms of office beginning on January 2, 2024.

“Representation matters, and redistricting requires tough decisions that will affect our Council districts for the next 10 years. The law requires us to balance the populations of our Council districts and that is what we accomplished after much thoughtful discussion,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner. “This is a complicated process with many moving parts, and I fully appreciate all the feedback we received from residents and civic groups, as well as the hard work from of our redistricting experts and Planning Department employees.”

Approved Redistricted City Council District Boundaries
Updated on Oct. 18, 2022


Approved Revised Citywide map
Current Citywide map


Approved Revised District A map

Overlay map - District A


Approved Revised District B map
Overlay map - District B


Approved Revised District C map
Overlay map - District C
Current District C map


Approved Revised District D map

Overlay map - District D

Current District D map


Approved Revised District E map

Overlay map - District E

Current District E map


Approved Revised District F map

Overlay map - District F


Approved Revised District G map

Overlay map - District G

Current District G map


Approved Revised District H map

Overlay map - District H

Current District H map


Approved Revised District I map

Overlay map - District I

Current District I map


Approved Revised District J map

Overlay map - District J

Current District J map


Approved Revised District K map

Overlay map - District K

Current District K map

Staff Reports and Data Tables:

Redistricting Town Hall Meetings/Initial Public Comment and Proposed Redistricting Staff Plan - June 30, 2022

Proposed Council District Demographics - Oct. 12, 2022

Voting Precinct List for Proposed Council Districts - Oct. 12, 2022

Extended Public Comment Period:

The City of Houston extended the public comment period to receive comments, suggestions, and alternate plans from the public regarding the Proposed City Council Redistricting Plan.

All comments and proposed Redistricting plans were due by Friday, July 29 at 4:45 p.m.

Email Redistricting questions and comments to Rupesh Koshy at

July Public Hearings

The City Council held three public hearings to receive comments, suggestions, and alternate plans from the public regarding the Proposed City Council Redistricting Plan, in accordance with the City Charter, Article V, Sec. 3:

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

Public Engagement

Phase 1 COMPLETE: Town Hall meetings were held in April and May in each district to obtain public input on how the districts should be reconfigured. The City asked for public feedback before drawing the new maps; no new maps were presented at the town hall meetings. Residents may also submit their own redistricting plan to the Planning & Development Department by July 20.
Phase 2 COMPLETE : District boundaries were redrawn based on 2020 Census data, the redistricting criteria approved by City Council, and public input.
Phase 3: COMPLETE Draft Redistricting Plan was completed and presented to City Council.
Phase 4: COMPLETE Public commented on the proposed new maps at three public hearings in July.

Town Hall Meetings

Each City Council district hosted a Town Hall meeting to explain the redistricting process, and to allow members of the public to give input to the City on how they want their district to look in the future. These meetings were conducted in person.

DateCouncil MemberDistrict Location
Tuesday, April 19Dave MartinEKingwood Park Community Center,
4102 Rustic Woods Dr., 77345
Monday, April 25Karla CisnerosHMoody Park Community Center,
3725 Fulton St., 77009
Tuesday, April 26Amy PeckA

Trini Mendenhall Community Center,
1414 Wirt Rd., 77055

Monday, May 2Edward PollardJSharpstown Park Community Center,
6855 Harbor Town Dr., 77036

Tuesday, May 3
Abbie KaminCCongregation Emanu El,
1500 Sunset Blvd., 77005
Wednesday, May 4Martha Castex-TatumKFountain Life Center,
14083 S. Main St., 77035
Tuesday, May 10Robert GallegosIHCC Southeast Campus, Building D
6815 Rustic St., 77087

Thursday, May 12
Mary Nan HuffmanGGrace Presbyterian Church,
10221 Ella Lee Lane, 77042

Monday, May 16
Carolyn Evans-ShabazzDHCC South Campus,
1990 Airport Blvd, 77051
Tuesday, May 17Tiffany D. ThomasFAlief ISD Center of Talent Development,
14411 Westheimer Road, 77082

Wednesday, May 18
Dave MartinESpace Center Houston
1601 E. NASA Pkwy, 77058
Thursday, May 19Tarsha JacksonBAcres Home Multi-Service Center,
Senior Service Room,
6719 W. Montgomery Road, 77091
New Date:
Wednesday, May 25
Virtual MeetingAnyResidents who cannot attend the meetings in person may choose to attend a virtual meeting. This meeting will only cover Redistricting; CIP updates will not be on the agenda.

Join Microsoft Teams meeting

Call in (audio only) +1 936-755-1521,,861716070#
Phone Conference ID: 861 716 070#

6:00 p.m.

Overall Timeline

The process began in March 2022 and will be complete when the newly-elected City Council takes office on January 2, 2024.

Tuesday, March 29Budget and Fiscal Affairs City Council Committee presentation
Wednesday, March 30City adopts resolution containing restricting criteria
April-MayRedistricting Town Hall meetings
June-JulyDraft Redistricting Plan completed and presented to City Council
Wednesday, July 13Public hearings of City Council: 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Wednesday, July 20Public hearings of City Council: 9 a.m.
Friday, July 29Deadline for public submission of redistricting plans
SeptemberRevised Plan presented to City Council
Wednesday, October 12On Council Agenda:
  • Ordinance declaring population of City, finding single-member districts materially imbalanced
  • Redistricting Plan ordinance establishing boundaries of single-member districts.

JanuaryOn Council Agenda
  • Ratification of ordinances passed in October 2022.
July 22-August 21Filing Period for November 2023 General Election
November 7Election Day

January 1New Council District boundaries go into effect
January 2Mayor, Council Members, Controller assume their offices

Council Districts

Enter your address into the Who is My Council Member website to verify your district, or review the current City Council District map below.

City Council Redistricting (26)

City Council Redistricting (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 6081

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.